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Energy Load Calculations

Perfect weather is now offering load calculations for residential housing.

We offer competitive pricing and have a turnaround time of 24-48 hours. Our calculations are generated based on the Energy Gauge USA software. Our specialist is trained to compute calculations for anything from additions to large housing projects. We work with our customers to keep calculations efficient and cost effective. For a quote please contact Gabrielle at:

Why are load calculations important?

Manual J calculations help determine the size unit you need in order to cool and heat a home. Units that are too small will take up too much energy and ultimately be insufficient to cool or heat the home. If the unit is too large the home can become a source of too much humidity causing the house to become infested with mold, the unit will also not last as long and, be more costly for the builder to install. Proper Manual J calculations use specific protocols to compute the accurate size of a unit needed for a house and the btuh’s to heat and cool it. It takes the square footage of a house, its orientation, and other heat and cooling factors to create a unique calculation for that house. Load calculations are also important to adhere to current building codes, if even the smallest code is overlooked you may have to rethink your design.

We hope you make Perfect Weather your choice for your next load calculations needs.

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Or use our Contact Us page and specify load calculation in the subject line.

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